Saturday 28 April 2012

A change in scenery...

A memory...

I have recently moved house hence the large gap between my last post and now and unfortunately I havn't had much time to do anything artsy besides playing around with my camera. Fortunately I have moved to a rural property that has provided me with limitless amounts of inspiration, especially for my photographic work. Whilst i was uploading my new photographs i was reminded of a series of photos i took last year of an old abandoned house. I made my partner stop the car on our road trip so i could take some photographs of this beautiful yet haunting structure in the middle of nowhere. Here are some examples of that collection:

Just down the road I also took this photo. Besides changing the image to greyscale little else has been altered in this image:
I decided to turn all of these images into black and white images because to me it seems they were meant to be that way. By doing this it emphasizes the eerie feeling i got looking at these structures.

Monday 2 April 2012

Pretty Boy #2

I decided to pull out the camera on the weekend and took this photo to put towards my "Pretty Boy" series...